Hello, I'm having an issue attempting to play this game.
I'm able to download it just fine it downloads as an application but when I try to play it says "The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect."
So, I don't know what to do here and I've been really wanting to play this game for a while.
I've also removed the "!" in the name of the game file and it let me download it like a setup wizard but then I got an error like this-
It says unable to execute file: C:\program files (x86)\IWantOut!\I_want_out!.exe
CreateProcess failed; code 2 The system cannot find the file specified
I'm sorry to hear this. The error seems to come from the operating system itself more then the game. It could be because of an antivirus blocking the game... I'm not sure at all.
I'll think about this and come back of I have a better idea.
Edit: maybe you could try the portable version, which is just the zipped files, without the installer.
I'll attempt to try downloading the portable version then.
Thank you for responding but my other question would be if this doesn't work do you know any other solutions there would be for me to be able to play it? I apologize for my late reply.
Edit: I have no idea how to setup a portable version of a game.
I can't find a file saying I want out exe and I've never wanted to play a game this badly. So is there anything else you suggest I should and could do?
(I cut the left and right sides off within the screenshot, otherwise the file was too big) I would love to play this game, but when I launch it, the top part of the game screen is cut off, and my mouse cursor won't/can't go to the bottom of the screen. And since there is no resolution to change, Its unplayable for me.
(I tried both the windows installer, and the windows portable version, but neither had a different result)
The pic shows how low my cursor can get comfortably (i have to slowly edge it down, otherwise) and that the top is cut off... Its the same after I start playing, i can only see part of the texts and what not
You can try to change the display settings with the "Configuration" shortcut before launching the game (this shortcut is in the "I Want Out!" shortcuts folder in the Start Menu...)
You can change the Window Scale setting, that changes the size of the game window..
You can also change from a full screen to a windowed mode.
I do want to say, to anyone else that uses the configuration shortcut, it does change your actual screen display, I had to change mine back after playing, because the screen was not correct anymore
Sehr authentisches Point&Click im Stile der 80er und 90er Jahre. Erinnert sehr stark in der Mechanik an die Retro Indiana Jones P&C Spiele. Leider habe ich direkt zu beginn erkannt, um wen es sich bei dem Kind wirklich handelt. Ansonsten muss ich sagen. wurde ich zwar gut unterhalten komme aber persönlich mit dem Genre so gar nicht klar. Das ist natürlich subjektiv aber für mich ist es einfach zu frustrierend, besonders wenn es keine eingebaute Mechanik gibt, die einem weiterhilft. Klar, dem Installationsordner liegt ein Walkthrough bei, und ohne ihn hätte ich das nicht geschafft - aber hätte ich das nicht beiläufig gesehen, hätte ich vermutlich aufgrund der vielen Sackgassen vermutlich das Spiel abgebrochen. Der Progress fühlt sich teilweise einfach nicht wirklich belohnend an, sondern eher demotivierend.
What a excellent little game ! The puzzles are just perfect, not easy, not difficult.. The graphics are beautiful too. The story is great, we know from the beginning that something is fishy, but the end is pretty original..
Just the music, it's good, but that just don't really match the atmosphere ...
It's was fun to play ! and free ! hope you 'll made another !
I feel I need to preface every video I do with "I am very stupid" XD This was really good and I had a good time with it! (Even if I do sound fed up at times, I just miss a lot of obvious things, but overall I enjoyed it. The ending was worth it haha)
*final edit* fantastic stuff, ran perfectly after I restarted! Super creative and amazing ending, I can't wait to see and play more this was awesome. Beautiful style, great story and really good puzzles (took me longer than I'd like to admit but not frustrating, just glad be to challenged by it!) I loved the little drops of lore/weird responses that Luke had to different things along the way that made me a little creeped out in a good way and question who he is and where he's from. I hope everyone involved is super proud of themselves :)
*edit* I restarted the game anyway, I couldn't wait :3
I'll update this comment once I'm finished!
*original comment* I'm so sad I got so far into the game and then I'm not sure what happened but Luke couldn't do anything other than comment on objects anymore, I used the wooden plank to get to the other side and then he couldn't pick it back up, or pick up the 'metallic object'
Will I need to restart the whole game? As I was silly and only saved in one file :(
Having a great time other than that, super interesting game my interest is so peaked I need to know how this ends! :)
It seems fun but the display doesn't work on my laptop. It only shows the bottom of the screen so I can't see half the dialogue or map. I had this problem back when I tried to play a year ago as well and now Im wondering if that stopped me from finishing the game since I couldn't see
You could try to change the display settings with the "Configuration" shortcut before launching the game (this shortcut is in the "I Want Out!" shortcuts folder in the Start Menu...)
There, you can change the Window Scale setting, that change the size of the game window... You can also change from a full screen to a windowed mode.
in all seriousness i love the old point and click mechanic it really brings back the good ol days ~ and seriously manage to escape! hope to see a sequel one day.
I'm trying to run it under Windows with Parallels on a Mac. For some reason it gets scaled up so part of the screen is not visible and and the mouse is so jerky it's unusable. Editing the acsetup.cfg doesn't seem to have any effect. Never had that issue before.
Oh, sorry to hear that. I have no real experience with Windows emulation on Mac OS.
I tried a Mac fork of Wine once and it worked quite well iirc (I'm not even sure to remember the exact name of the software... it' was maybe WineHQ, if you want to give it a go...).
I was aware there was some false positives with Avast antivirus.
Which antivirus is it? The one that comes with Windows?
You may add an "exception" in the antivirus to make it not scan the program but I'd recommend you check the program before with an online scanner like VirusTotal (it scans one file with many antivirus software) in order to see if there is only one or two detections which should be false positives or if there are plenty, which could indicate a real infection.
Yeah, it's the build-in one. I've removed the warning, trusting it's really just a false alarm. I actually enjoyed the game. The puzzles were pretty well thought out and the ending was fun, although I kinda saw that coming :)
Hey! I loved this. Spent an entire night figuring it out and enjoyed every minute.
Damn, I really miss these types of games. Thanks for making it.
Damn, though, I unhooked the exit sign really early in the game so when it came into play at the end I completely forgot about it. I ended up just using the empty pop bottles on everything on the screen. Then my lady came into the room and said "Try the exit sign." and I was like "Naw, you can't even interact with it." Of course after exhausting everything I listen to her advice.
I thought it was excellent!! I really enjoyed having to figure out how to escape. I liked how complicated and how many steps there were to reach the end. The puzzles were lots of fun. :)
This was - without any doubt - one of the most polished, most professional game I've ever seen realized with AGS. The atmosphere is very strong, the graphics are very beautiful, the whole design is great. A short but extremely fulfilling experience. I'm looking forward to your next game @developer! Thank you for this great experience! :)
hi! i tried to play this but the menu looked waaay too close up and the mouse wouldnt work or click on anything and i couldnt get the game started :( is there something with my screen resolution or something?
The only reason I didn't give it a full 10 is because the last puzzle involving the exit sign made absolutely no sense in terms of initiating it. After step 1 though, everything falls in place. Just a little bit of feedback is all.
Such a gorgeous game! I personally don't like 9-verb interfaces and I had to go check the AGS forums for clues on a couple of puzzles (so many ways to unscrew things!), but it was a fantastic experience nevertheless! Once I started playing, I just had to know how it ended (nice little Helloween sample at the end, heheh). Thanks for making this and sharing it with us!
I would remake the game with a more modern interface if it wasn't such a huge work. Maybe one day ...
And you can be proud of being the first and only one to have identified the Helloween sample at the end! (It's really where the game's name comes from after all!). Congratulations !
A very well made game, graphics are very well done and you NAILED the old school point and click style of game play. Would 100% recommend this to anyone who loves those types of games.
It was very funny. Also notice that is translated to spanish. I was playing live in youtube and was funny play with other people telling me what to do.
Hi, There's indeed a Linux version (a .tar.gz file that should be compatible with the app according to itch.io documentation). I don't use the app myself, nor Linux, so I didn't know about that but I'll try to take a look. It won't be right now, though, since I haven't access to any Linux machine atm, sorry...
What an unexpected ending, the comment about the drawing behind the vending machine was so great when it all connected. Fantastic game you have here, thanks for sharing lol
As others have said, great game! Not only did it bring back great memories of 320x200 adventures of the past, but it is amazing that you guys did this for fun. I also really appreciated the 'hints' that Luke would give when I was stuck.
Thanks Cryptic Hybrid for your video. It's highly appreciated. I didn't have time to watch it entirely yet, but I'll do it. I got some glimpses here and there and the critics you made are fair... The game could be improved. But it's our very first one and we're still learning ;-) Thanks again.
Also, to i_want_out: I finally finished the game, and I reconfirm what I said...great job! I don't have any critics about it, the puzzles solution was logical (so everything made sense and didn't require an "impossible" way of thinking like Monkey Island, back in the day XD) and overall, the experience was engaging and fun. I was also very pleased to have guessed the "reveal"...the little hints were a nice touch!
So...I'm looking forward to your next games: the world needs more of them ;)
IWO is a very good start, it definitely kept me playing even when I was stuck for tens of minutes. And the little 'clues' that make you suspicious are one of the reasons to keep playing. Looking forward to your next project. :)
I'm happy you both saw and liked these hints. Since the story is rather simple, I thought it would add a little background to it. And happy too that you liked playing it. It definitely encourages us to make another game... Thanks!
I've tried playing your game, but unfortunately after a while the text all scrolls through very quickly whenever I examine or do any other actions on things. I restarted a couple times and experienced the same thing. I'll look forward to playing an updated version whenever this is fixed.
I never encountered such a bug... so for now, I don't know what it is...
The dialogs skip too fast, right? Normally, they are skipped automatically after a certain duration except if you click on a keyboard key or on a mouse button... Do they skip without any keyboard or mouse input?
You can try this : - options -> change the dialog speed - on the main screen, press F : it will switch to windowed mode. Then exit and restart the game, to play it in a window
Could you please report if it is of any help? Thanks
I've tried again with your suggestions, but still encountered the same problem. The dialogues flip through almost instantly, so 3 or 4 lines of text go by in a fraction of a second, without any keyboard or mouse input. Changing the dialogue speed and windowing the game didn't seem to have any effect. Restarting it does seem to alleviate the issue temporarily, so hopefully I can play through the rest in that way.
So, even with with the dialog speed set to "Click to skip dialog", it does the same? It's really weird... When dialog skips too fast, does all the game go to fast, or just the dialogs?
Only the dialogues. Walking around seems to work okay still. I got most of the way through the game but got stuck (not due to a glitch or anything as far as I can tell, just not sure what to do next) so I'll have to wait for a walkthrough.
Also, I asked the developer of the game engine. The bug could be the consequence of using the Alt+Tab combination, to switch from another window. When switching back to the game, there's a bug letting the game think a key is still pressed... and the consequence is that it skips the dialogs...
You have to explore the room. By placing the mouse cursor on different objects/regions, you can interact with them. You select the action you want to do and then apply it on the object (either "look at", "pick up", etc.). Making interactions will enable you to discover new things and hopefully a way to exit...
← Return to game
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Hello, I'm having an issue attempting to play this game.
I'm able to download it just fine it downloads as an application but when I try to play it says "The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect."
So, I don't know what to do here and I've been really wanting to play this game for a while.
I've also removed the "!" in the name of the game file and it let me download it like a setup wizard but then I got an error like this-
It says unable to execute file:
C:\program files (x86)\IWantOut!\I_want_out!.exe
CreateProcess failed; code 2
The system cannot find the file specified
I'm sorry to hear this. The error seems to come from the operating system itself more then the game. It could be because of an antivirus blocking the game... I'm not sure at all.
I'll think about this and come back of I have a better idea.
Edit: maybe you could try the portable version, which is just the zipped files, without the installer.
I'll attempt to try downloading the portable version then.
Thank you for responding but my other question would be if this doesn't work do you know any other solutions there would be for me to be able to play it? I apologize for my late reply.
Edit: I have no idea how to setup a portable version of a game.
The portable version is a zipped file.
You just unzip it in a folder and then, you run the file i_want_out!.exe.
It should work. Well I hope...
I can't find a file saying I want out exe and I've never wanted to play a game this badly.
So is there anything else you suggest I should and could do?
Just never got around to playing it, and found it again just the other day.
Glad I played it, and realized how crazy of a adventure this really was.
(I tried both the windows installer, and the windows portable version, but neither had a different result)
The pic shows how low my cursor can get comfortably (i have to slowly edge it down, otherwise) and that the top is cut off... Its the same after I start playing, i can only see part of the texts and what not
You can try to change the display settings with the "Configuration" shortcut before launching the game (this shortcut is in the "I Want Out!" shortcuts folder in the Start Menu...)
You can change the Window Scale setting, that changes the size of the game window..
You can also change from a full screen to a windowed mode.
It should help 😊
I shall try these! Thank you! (And I'll update on if it worked haha)
Well, here is my quick update haha, The configurations folder worked, so Thank you!
That was an amazing game! I really hope that there will be a part 2 haha, you definitely left it open to have one
Loved the gameplay, and storyline, it was fantastic!
I'd really love to make another one, either a prequel or a sequel... It's mainly a lack of free time issue 😁
I do want to say, to anyone else that uses the configuration shortcut, it does change your actual screen display, I had to change mine back after playing, because the screen was not correct anymore
Thanks for this input. I was not aware of that behavior, as I never saw this happening.
I'll take a look at this, because it's not supposed to behave like this 😕
Good luck in figuring that out! :-)
Scary Scuffed Games #223
Vorgeschlagen von: Beatdown_TV
Sehr authentisches Point&Click im Stile der 80er und 90er Jahre. Erinnert sehr stark in der Mechanik an die Retro Indiana Jones P&C Spiele. Leider habe ich direkt zu beginn erkannt, um wen es sich bei dem Kind wirklich handelt. Ansonsten muss ich sagen. wurde ich zwar gut unterhalten komme aber persönlich mit dem Genre so gar nicht klar. Das ist natürlich subjektiv aber für mich ist es einfach zu frustrierend, besonders wenn es keine eingebaute Mechanik gibt, die einem weiterhilft. Klar, dem Installationsordner liegt ein Walkthrough bei, und ohne ihn hätte ich das nicht geschafft - aber hätte ich das nicht beiläufig gesehen, hätte ich vermutlich aufgrund der vielen Sackgassen vermutlich das Spiel abgebrochen. Der Progress fühlt sich teilweise einfach nicht wirklich belohnend an, sondern eher demotivierend.
Dito: 3.4/5
Chat: 2.89/5
Gesamt: 3.15/5
What a excellent little game ! The puzzles are just perfect, not easy, not difficult.. The graphics are beautiful too. The story is great, we know from the beginning that something is fishy, but the end is pretty original..
Just the music, it's good, but that just don't really match the atmosphere ...
It's was fun to play ! and free ! hope you 'll made another !
Merci ! 5/5
Thanks for your comment.
I agree with you about the music. I've already started creating my own, in order to release a final version of the game with a new soundtrack.
I'm a musician, I can help you If you want :)
Thanks for the offer, but my goal is to do it entirely by myself 😁
So fun. Didn't expect a storyline like that either. Really captured the feeling of the old classics
I feel I need to preface every video I do with "I am very stupid" XD
This was really good and I had a good time with it! (Even if I do sound fed up at times, I just miss a lot of obvious things, but overall I enjoyed it. The ending was worth it haha)
Thanks for the video! I liked your reaction at the end 😁
*final edit* fantastic stuff, ran perfectly after I restarted! Super creative and amazing ending, I can't wait to see and play more this was awesome. Beautiful style, great story and really good puzzles (took me longer than I'd like to admit but not frustrating, just glad be to challenged by it!) I loved the little drops of lore/weird responses that Luke had to different things along the way that made me a little creeped out in a good way and question who he is and where he's from. I hope everyone involved is super proud of themselves :)
*edit* I restarted the game anyway, I couldn't wait :3
I'll update this comment once I'm finished!
*original comment* I'm so sad I got so far into the game and then I'm not sure what happened but Luke couldn't do anything other than comment on objects anymore, I used the wooden plank to get to the other side and then he couldn't pick it back up, or pick up the 'metallic object'
Will I need to restart the whole game? As I was silly and only saved in one file :(
Having a great time other than that, super interesting game my interest is so peaked I need to know how this ends! :)
I'm glad you liked it and figured out how to end it! 😊
Thanks for your kind comment.
That ending scared me so badly lol
I'm glad it worked, but could you please modify your post, in order to not spoil the end of the game, please? Thanks! 😊
Edit: thanks 😁
Are you making a sequel?
Not for now, because I've no time. But I'd like to... A sequel or a prequel 😁
It seems fun but the display doesn't work on my laptop. It only shows the bottom of the screen so I can't see half the dialogue or map. I had this problem back when I tried to play a year ago as well and now Im wondering if that stopped me from finishing the game since I couldn't see
Sorry the hear this.
You could try to change the display settings with the "Configuration" shortcut before launching the game (this shortcut is in the "I Want Out!" shortcuts folder in the Start Menu...)
There, you can change the Window Scale setting, that change the size of the game window... You can also change from a full screen to a windowed mode.
Hope this will help! 😊
Thank you! Sorry I'm slow I looked it up and learned how to switch any game to windowed mode and fixed the game display that way.
Great news!
Have fun 😁
It's quite challenging, which is good for this sort of game. Nice work!
Very intriguing story and interesting puzzles. I was hooked up the whole time. And the ending was unexpected. I would love to see more games from you.
I'm really glad you liked it!
Thanks for the feedback 😊
Brilliant game, I wish I had found this sooner. Because I'm a fan of the old point and click games like Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion ETC I love this.
I found the 95% of the puzzles I solved to be fair and logical. Took me around 1 hour and 4 minutes to complete.
Thanks for the feedback.
We're glad the puzzles seem fair and logical. It was a real concern to us!
the game was really puzzling lol
in all seriousness i love the old point and click mechanic it really brings back the good ol days ~ and seriously manage to escape! hope to see a sequel one day.
Thanks for this feedback! We really appreciate it...
We'd like to be able to make a sequel, or a prequel, one day... If we find the time to do it! 😁
I'm trying to run it under Windows with Parallels on a Mac. For some reason it gets scaled up so part of the screen is not visible and and the mouse is so jerky it's unusable. Editing the acsetup.cfg doesn't seem to have any effect. Never had that issue before.
Oh, sorry to hear that. I have no real experience with Windows emulation on Mac OS.
I tried a Mac fork of Wine once and it worked quite well iirc (I'm not even sure to remember the exact name of the software... it' was maybe WineHQ, if you want to give it a go...).
I could fix the resolution issue. But now can't get it to work because it causes a virus/malware warning in Windows.
Oh, crap!
I was aware there was some false positives with Avast antivirus.
Which antivirus is it? The one that comes with Windows?
You may add an "exception" in the antivirus to make it not scan the program but I'd recommend you check the program before with an online scanner like VirusTotal (it scans one file with many antivirus software) in order to see if there is only one or two detections which should be false positives or if there are plenty, which could indicate a real infection.
Sorry you had so many issues... 😕
Yeah, it's the build-in one. I've removed the warning, trusting it's really just a false alarm.
I actually enjoyed the game. The puzzles were pretty well thought out and the ending was fun, although I kinda saw that coming :)
I'm happy to read this! 😊
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey! I loved this. Spent an entire night figuring it out and enjoyed every minute.
Damn, I really miss these types of games. Thanks for making it.
Damn, though, I unhooked the exit sign really early in the game so when it came into play at the end I completely forgot about it. I ended up just using the empty pop bottles on everything on the screen. Then my lady came into the room and said "Try the exit sign." and I was like "Naw, you can't even interact with it." Of course after exhausting everything I listen to her advice.
Thank you for your feedback! Glad to see you spent good time on it ;-)
I thought it was excellent!! I really enjoyed having to figure out how to escape. I liked how complicated and how many steps there were to reach the end. The puzzles were lots of fun. :)
Glad you liked it! Thanks for your feedback ;)
This was - without any doubt - one of the most polished, most professional game I've ever seen realized with AGS. The atmosphere is very strong, the graphics are very beautiful, the whole design is great. A short but extremely fulfilling experience. I'm looking forward to your next game @developer! Thank you for this great experience! :)
Thanks for your kind feedback! It's really encouraging.
We're working on a new project, but it'll be long before it's ready!
How do you make it run in window mode? It's really zoomed in for me.
In the start menu, search for the I Want Out! shortcuts.
Click on Configuration
Check "Start in windowed mode"
And set Windowed scale to Max round multiplier
Does this help ?
I'll let you know after I'm done redownloading it. I think I had a older version or something. :/
hi! i tried to play this but the menu looked waaay too close up and the mouse wouldnt work or click on anything and i couldnt get the game started :( is there something with my screen resolution or something?
You could try this:
In the start menu, search for the I Want Out! shortcuts.
Click on Configuration
Check "Start in windowed mode"
And set Windowed scale to Max round multiplier
Does this help ?
please make a sequel ... :)))
Excellent game and the ending was a nice touch.
The only reason I didn't give it a full 10 is because the last puzzle involving the exit sign made absolutely no sense in terms of initiating it. After step 1 though, everything falls in place. Just a little bit of feedback is all.
Well done!!!!
I'll bear that in mind if I ever play another game like this again... 😉
You have a talent for it - i'd definitely play your next one if you do make one.
Take care!
😊 Thanks!
Such a good game, I felt so betrayed at the ending. 10/10
Pretty good! some of the puzzles were so crazy.
Glad you liked it! Thanks for your comment...
Such a gorgeous game! I personally don't like 9-verb interfaces and I had to go check the AGS forums for clues on a couple of puzzles (so many ways to unscrew things!), but it was a fantastic experience nevertheless! Once I started playing, I just had to know how it ended (nice little Helloween sample at the end, heheh). Thanks for making this and sharing it with us!
Thanks for your kind comment, Laura!
I would remake the game with a more modern interface if it wasn't such a huge work. Maybe one day ...
And you can be proud of being the first and only one to have identified the Helloween sample at the end! (It's really where the game's name comes from after all!). Congratulations !
A very well made game, graphics are very well done and you NAILED the old school point and click style of game play. Would 100% recommend this to anyone who loves those types of games.
Thanks Austin for the feedback and video (even if it's not your type of game)!
It was very funny. Also notice that is translated to spanish. I was playing live in youtube and was funny play with other people telling me what to do.
Thanks for your feedback and the video! 😀
Thanks also for pointing the fact I forgot to add Spanish language in the description. Fixed!
A really interesting game. We enjoyed it very much. We loved the pixel art style.
Here is a short video we made while playing:
Keep up the good work!!!Thank you for your feedback and for the video!
It's really encouraging.
I noticed on the itch website you can get the linux version but it says it isn't available in the app. Could you resolve this?
There's indeed a Linux version (a .tar.gz file that should be compatible with the app according to itch.io documentation).
I don't use the app myself, nor Linux, so I didn't know about that but I'll try to take a look. It won't be right now, though, since I haven't access to any Linux machine atm, sorry...
The issue should be resolved now, and the game should be available for Linux in the client.
What an unexpected ending, the comment about the drawing behind the vending machine was so great when it all connected. Fantastic game you have here, thanks for sharing lol
I loved the small comment about the drawing behind the vending machine. I didn't catch it until wayyyyy later. Very clever!
Thanks vanroku.
Glad you liked it!
Really nice game!
Thanks, Jupi, for your video !
Fun puzzles, and cool ending!
Thanks, dear beta tester!
As others have said, great game! Not only did it bring back great memories of 320x200 adventures of the past, but it is amazing that you guys did this for fun. I also really appreciated the 'hints' that Luke would give when I was stuck.
Thanks, David!
Hay thax i figured it out and so far its sooooo good I really like this game
Did someone say walkthrough? ;)
Thanks Cryptic Hybrid for your video. It's highly appreciated.
I didn't have time to watch it entirely yet, but I'll do it. I got some glimpses here and there and the critics you made are fair... The game could be improved. But it's our very first one and we're still learning ;-)
Thanks again.
PS : I just uploaded a written walkthrough
Also, to i_want_out: I finally finished the game, and I reconfirm what I said...great job! I don't have any critics about it, the puzzles solution was logical (so everything made sense and didn't require an "impossible" way of thinking like Monkey Island, back in the day XD) and overall, the experience was engaging and fun. I was also very pleased to have guessed the "reveal"...the little hints were a nice touch!
So...I'm looking forward to your next games: the world needs more of them ;)
IWO is a very good start, it definitely kept me playing even when I was stuck for tens of minutes. And the little 'clues' that make you suspicious are one of the reasons to keep playing. Looking forward to your next project. :)
I'm happy you both saw and liked these hints. Since the story is rather simple, I thought it would add a little background to it.
And happy too that you liked playing it. It definitely encourages us to make another game... Thanks!
**Hats off** Thank you, kind sir! I had totally missed the "thing" at 6:23, eh eh ^^
Your style is cool, looking forward to playing this
I've tried playing your game, but unfortunately after a while the text all scrolls through very quickly whenever I examine or do any other actions on things. I restarted a couple times and experienced the same thing. I'll look forward to playing an updated version whenever this is fixed.
Hi arceus444,
I never encountered such a bug... so for now, I don't know what it is...
The dialogs skip too fast, right?
Normally, they are skipped automatically after a certain duration except if you click on a keyboard key or on a mouse button...
Do they skip without any keyboard or mouse input?
You can try this :
- options -> change the dialog speed
- on the main screen, press F : it will switch to windowed mode. Then exit and restart the game, to play it in a window
Could you please report if it is of any help?
I've tried again with your suggestions, but still encountered the same problem. The dialogues flip through almost instantly, so 3 or 4 lines of text go by in a fraction of a second, without any keyboard or mouse input. Changing the dialogue speed and windowing the game didn't seem to have any effect. Restarting it does seem to alleviate the issue temporarily, so hopefully I can play through the rest in that way.
So, even with with the dialog speed set to "Click to skip dialog", it does the same? It's really weird...
When dialog skips too fast, does all the game go to fast, or just the dialogs?
Only the dialogues. Walking around seems to work okay still. I got most of the way through the game but got stuck (not due to a glitch or anything as far as I can tell, just not sure what to do next) so I'll have to wait for a walkthrough.
Hi arceus444,
I haven't find the bug's cause yet but I'm searching. What version of Windows do you use?
Also, I asked the developer of the game engine. The bug could be the consequence of using the Alt+Tab combination, to switch from another window.
When switching back to the game, there's a bug letting the game think a key is still pressed... and the consequence is that it skips the dialogs...
how do you even play ... so cofuzeled i am new to this
You have to explore the room. By placing the mouse cursor on different objects/regions, you can interact with them. You select the action you want to do and then apply it on the object (either "look at", "pick up", etc.).
Making interactions will enable you to discover new things and hopefully a way to exit...